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Slow Travel

I’ve stopped flying in 2018, since then, I only travel by train or boat trying to limit my carbon footprint. Since then I feel like I have never travelled as much and seen a many different countries than before. Seeing the journey as an integral part of the experience instead of a chore before being able to unwind changed my perspective on it and on how I spend time in general.

I have a journalling site dedicated to this there : Récits de voyages

Role-playing & tabletop games

I have been playing Dungeons & Dragons since I’m 10 years old. Role playing is an amazing experience, between tabletop gaming and improv theater. An amazing social time, bolstering imagination and inventivity.


I enjoy time in nature and walking in the forest or other natural landscape is very calming and a close to medidating experience.

Flight Simulation

Although I’ve stopped taking the plane for some years, I still find aviation an amazing engineering feat and with the progress of flight simulation in the past few years I’ve found myself really enjoying it. I’ve spent hours flying with A320 and smaller aircrafts.

Craft beer

I’ve helped friends brewing beers for a few years when they were experimenting and building their own brewery. I’m now only a enjoyer of craft beers but would love to brew again.

Art History

Got myself into art history lessons a few years ago when I felt I was missing a lot of context in art exhibitions. I have followed a three-years cursus with Paris’ Arts Workshops, and now enjoy the museums even more than before.